Skip to conte ABBA FATHER THE DOXOLOGY Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. DEAR FATHER, we know that no Wall is too tall for Your Power to overcome! There is no pain too hurtful, or storm too intense, that You can’t calm with a simple command. We believe You when You say that greater is He within Us than the evil that is in the world. Deliver us from fear right now. Give us victory over depression today. You are capable Father. Speak to our hearts. Amen. prayer ABBA FATHER My Father in heaven, how nice is to know that You are my Father and I am Your child! Especially when the sky is overcast my soul and my cross looks more difficult, I feel the need to address You, “Father, I believe in Your love for me!” Yes, I believe that You are my Father in every moment of my life and that I am Your child! I believe that you love me Thy infinite love! I believe that you watch over me night...