
Showing posts from November, 2020


Skip to conte ABBA FATHER THE DOXOLOGY Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. DEAR FATHER, we know that no Wall is too tall for Your Power to overcome! There is no pain too hurtful, or storm too intense, that You can’t calm with a simple command. We believe You when You say that greater is He within Us than the evil that is in the world. Deliver us from fear right now. Give us victory over depression today. You are capable Father. Speak to our hearts. Amen. prayer ABBA FATHER My Father in heaven, how nice is to know that You are my Father and I am Your child! Especially when the sky is overcast my soul and my cross looks more difficult, I feel the need to address You, “Father, I believe in Your love for me!” Yes, I believe that You are my Father in every moment of my life and that I am Your child!  I believe that you love me Thy infinite love! I believe that you watch over me night...

Greatest Devotion to Precious Blood of Almighty Lord Jesus Christ

Devotion to the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus PRAYERS Precious Blood of Jesus Daily Devotional A Prayer Book Written, edited and compiled by The Adorers of the Precious Blood Blessed Pope John XXIII on the Precious Blood How to Pray this Devotion The Holy Rosary Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chaplet of the Precious Blood Litany of the Precious Blood Consecration to the Precious Blood Consolation Prayers Adoration Prayers The Anguished Appeals The Mystical Prayers Reparation Prayer to the Eternal Father Prayer of Divine Praise and Adoration Reparation Prayer Original Prayer to St. Michael Powerful Invocation of Protection Prayer for New Israel Atonement Prayer with the Crown of Thorns Prayer for the Control of the Tongue Crown of Thorns Offering Blessing of the Archangel Michael Third Friday Reparation a The Roses of Glorious Reign Litany of the Saints (in English and Latin) An Alert for the Twelve Tribes of Israel Prayer Appendix The Promises Great Month of July Nine Cho...

Greatest Spiritual Powerful Prayers

Skip to content Precious Blood of Jesus Christ By Power of Almighty Lord Jesus Christ Menu  + expanded collapsed Spiritual Powerful Warfare Prayers * May the eyes of your heart be enlightened so you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the glorious riches of his inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power to us who believe.*Eph 1:18-19* *When I do not know what pray, I thank You, Father, that the (Holy) Spirit comes to my aid and bears me up in my behalf He, the Holy Spirit, goes to plead in my behalf. He intercedes in my behalf in harmony with God Yeshua’s Daily Bread ByTovia 24 February FINAL MESSAGE….. We read in the Brit haChadash ‘New (renewed) Testament’ that Yeshua turns over the tables and runs everyone away from buying and selling at His Father’s house (Mark 11:15-17). He then quotes from the book of Isaiah something often misunderstood , “Have you not read, My house will be called a house of prayer for ALL NATIONS?” Let’...