The Holy Death of St Joseph

THE DEATH OF ST. JOSEPH ✝️ When St. Joseph came out of this ecstasy, his face was shining with heavenly light, and he asked Mary to give him her blessing. But instead she indicated that Jesus should bless him, which He did. Then Mary fell on her knees and begged her dying husband to bless her, and after he had done so she kissed his hand tenderly and affectionately. St. Joseph also implored her pardon for all his deficiencies in serving her and requested her prayers in this hour of his death. Then he spoke these last words to her: "Blessed art thou among all women, Mary! May angels and men praise thee! And may the Name of the Lord be known, adored, and exalted in thee through all the coming ages. I hope to see thee in our heavenly home..." And turning toward Jesus with profound reverence. St. Joseph tried in vain to kneel, but the Saviour gently took him in His arms, while Joseph said: "My Lord and my God, giv...