
Showing posts from December, 2023

St Micheal

St Micheal Morning Prayers St Micheal of Fresh chord of Heaven adorning the Holy Trinity keep me safe today.And in time of temptation drive away the devil away Amen. Use These 3 Powerful Weapons Of St. Michael to Fight Against Evil This archangel fights Satan with the challenge of his own name: Michael, meaning Who is like God?With so much evil confronting us in seemingly every new piece of breaking news, here are three prayers to St. Michael the Archangel, the great archangel-antagonist of Satan.Bishop Robert Barron recently described St. Michael the Archangel thus:“ The seal that appears below is carried for protection, and is used by exorcists when engaged in confronting demons. Like all symbols of this kind, its efficacy lies in the symbol being blessed in the correct manner and, most important of all, the strength of faith held by the person carrying it. Authentic seals are not easily obtainable, and suppliers of esoterica are not to be recommended. Try a traditional Catholic sour...