Barnabas Nwoye Gift of the Seal

Barnabas Nwoye - Gift of the Seal

Note: You know the Agonizing Crucifix? Well, Mel Gibson actually got one of the Precious Blood apostolate crucifixes in Nigeria. Can you see the similarity between the crucifix here and the one portrayed in the film?


The Greatest Devotion in our time.

As we have now entered the much-awaited hours of darkness, foretold by many Catholic prophets, the true children of God face the toughest challenge they have seen yet.
As of now the Catholic Church is suffering its greatest betrayal as subversive saboteurs (masons) infiltrate and alter the authentic doctrine and teachings of the church to create the ultimate apostasy
(cf. Daniel 9:21, Matthew 24:15 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3).
Now as never before there is the rush for a One World Government and the ‘need’ to identify everybody in the world with a universal mark
(microchip – the forerunner of the Mark of the Beast).
In the secular world, political and social injustice reigns above all, with greed avarice, lust and a general hardening of hearts to the things of God.
With all this glaring signs, the final showdown between good and evil is set.

The Eternal Father, knowing what His remnant are going to go through, has outflanked the powers of Hell by introducing


Of all the places chosen by Heaven to plant a seed of holiness where the Church’s final victory would commence, Nigeria was chosen. Since July 1995 to the present, Our Lord Jesus Christ has been appearing to a university student called Barnabas Nwoye from Olo, Enugu State, Nigeria.

 Through this visionary,
Our Lord has introduced the final weapon for all His children to endure and overcome the Great Chastisement


In July 1995, at the hour of Divine Mercy (3pm), Our Lord called for the first time Barnabas Nwoye, a 17-year-old teenager from Olo, Enugu State, Nigeria during a school class.

Our Lord appealed to Barnabas to adore the Precious Blood and console Him for all the outrages committed against it.

Ever since then, messages have been streaming from the Blessed Mother Mary and a host of Angels and Saints such as St. Joseph, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Uriel
(another archangel who stands with six others before God), St. Anthony of Padua, St. Bridget of Sweden, St. Pio, St. Gertrude, St. Jude Thaddeus and many others.

On several occasions Barnabas has seen the Holy Trinity simultaneously blessing congregations, as priests pronounce the final blessing at the Mass.

A set number of the messages were powerful prayers dictated by Heaven for the devotion to the Precious Blood.
They are as follows:

1. The Chaplet

This first component was given to Barnabas on the 5th July 1996. After witnessing the whole Passion of Our Lord from Gethsemane to the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to him and handed over a Chaplet honoring the Precious Blood.
The Chaplet was strung like a Rosary except the decade was 12 beads long and red in color, while the beads separating the decades was white.
The Chaplet, to be recited immediately after the Holy Rosary, consists of five mysteries relating to the five wounds of Christ.

2. Consolation

The second component of the devotion was given on the 23rd June 1997; these prayers are specifically directed to the Eternal Father and His only begotten Son.
This second part of the devotion seeks to appease the Father and Son, for the world’s ingratitude, blasphemies and neglects of the Precious Blood that take place in the church, in our lives or in society at large. 

3. Adoration

In the third part of this devotion, the Adoration prayers compromise of the seven prayers that adore, glorify and make petitions to the Precious Blood.
Our Lord gave these prayers on the 23rd June 1997 along with the Consolation Prayers.
The petitions are for the Catholic Church, its hierarchy, the clergy and the entire faithful.
Appeals are also made on behalf unrepentant sinners, Holy Souls in Purgatory and aborted babies that they may be accorded to the benefits of the Precious Blood.

4. Reparation

The fourth part of this devotion was dictated in a vision of the crucified Jesus, on 10thDecember 1998.
In seven anguished appeals Jesus describes the sins, which have kept Him crucified mystically for the last 2000 years.
This sins include grievances at Holy Mass, neglect of the Sacraments, immodesty in fashion, greed, avarice, lust, etc all causing millions to troop into Hell.
This component consoles Blessed Trinity for the offences they are subjected to in this world.

5. Intercession

The fifth part of the devotion is where special intercessory prayers called the ‘Mystical Prayers’ are recited.
These are very efficacious prayers taught by Our Lord during the month of July 1998.
Our Lord revealed to Barnabas these prayers as being the very same prayers uttered by Him during His passion and final breath for humanity.
There key intercessory prayers for the defect of the Antichrist, endurance during the chastisement, protection from the sin of the flesh and sustenance of faith.

6. The Seal

From this devotion, Heaven has attached a precious and powerful gift for devotees of the Precious Blood.
The seal is a spiritual mark, which Precious Blood devotees carry against the seal of 666.
This seal gives the devotee a spiritual strength to resist all temptations of Satan and withstand the sufferings brought about by the Antichrist.
The seal is achieved by the devotee remaining a state of sanctifying grace, especially in the periods specified by Our Lord when the Angels tour the earth to place it.

7. Gethsemane Hour

Finally, Our Lord is calling on all his chosen to be with him every Thursday 11pm to Friday 3am (or at least one hour between this period).
This is where all five components of the devotion are observed along with Holy Mass and Benediction (if possible).
It is here that all devotees share in the agony felt by Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.
The intention is to obtain grace to endure the Great Chastisement and steadfastness in faith.

The prayers, invocations, hymns and choruses that were dictated by Heaven to Barnabas Nwoye from 1997 to 2001 constitute the Precious Blood devotion.
Each component was blessed by Jesus with graces that can be found in the official prayer manual.
The prayers and promises have imprimatur of Rev. Dr. Ayo Maria, Bishop of Illorin Diocese, Kwara State, Nigeria (June 17th 2000).


The bulk of these messages were received during exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the visionary parish church of St. Joseph in Enugu State, Nigeria.
The messages received are always vetted by Barnabas’ spiritual director (Rev. Boniface Onah) before being read out to those present during the apparitions.
The messages of 1997 – 2000 were reviewed by a Theological Commission set up by Bishop Anthony Gbuji of Enugu State.
They have received the Nihil Obstat of Rev. Fr. Stephen Obiukwu, Chairman of the Propagation of the Faith:


“Pray, pray much for my Holy Church. Pray harder for My Pope. Soonest, My Holy Pope will be driven out of Rome.
The Wicked Man will drive him out, where he will be killed. Pray the Chaplet for him. Pray that he may hold firm his faith.”

Jesus Christ, 14th January 1997


“My child, listen. I have warned My people that the hour to save is short and that the days are numbered.
You have seen what will happen to My children who trust in Me, My faithful children.
That is why I came and gave you My Holy Chaplet of My Precious Blood and promised to save through My Precious Blood. I promise to also save any sinner who calls on My Precious Blood.
I will allow a drop of the Precious Blood to fall on their hearts so that they will get converted before the day of forsaking…”

Jesus Christ, 16th January 1997, after showing Barnabas a fearful vision of the torture of the remnant by the Antichrist.


“My son, I tell you only one fourth of My Priests will be left after the Great Chastisement… My son, pray your Holy Rosary always as My Mother has ordered you. Pray the Holy Chaplet of My Precious Blood immediately after your Rosary. You must do this because the hour of salvation is short.”

Jesus Christ, 19th January 1997, after showing Barnabas the final massacre of Priests.


“My children, this Chaplet of the Precious Blood of My Son combines all the devotions of My Son’s Passion.
In Heaven, this prayer is one of the greatest prayers that ceases the anger of the Eternal Father and bring mercy to the world.”

Our Blessed Mother, 29th January 1997


“My children, during your hour of meditation, think about My Crucifixion, the sweat of Blood, the scourging, the Crown of Thorns, piercing of My Body and the three hours I hung on the Cross. If you love Me, have mercy on Me.”

Jesus Christ, 4th February 1997


“The wicked spirit has caused war in the Holy Church, in families, in schools and in companies. Cardinals fight against Cardinals, Bishops fight against Bishops. War in the spirit increases. They have caused spiritual Luke warmness in many souls.”

St. Michael, 14th July 1997


“My children, when the world held My right hand and pierced it with a long nail, I cried in great pains. With love, I remembered you and offered My pains for your healing and salvation.
Meditate on My agony for your sake. Think how I love you.”

Jesus Christ, 4th July 1998


“My children, do you know that iniquity is fast, growing every minutes of the day? As sin of the world grows, My agony grows. That is why I am looking for someone who will console Me.”

Jesus Christ, 24th July 1998


“The number of daily aborted babies and innocent children is too large. Their blood disturbs My agonizing heart and increases My agony. Console Me through your preaching and teaching of these messages.”

Jesus Christ, 29th July 1998


“My son, I remain for you in the Sacrament of Love, waiting for you patiently where I am in prison for you. You rarely approach Me because you do not remember Me, who is in prison for you. My son, My agony greatly pains Me when I see the coldness, the mindlessness and neglect with which you approach the Holt Trinity whose presence fills the Holy Sanctuary.”

Jesus Christ, 10th December 1998, in one of the Anguished Appeals composing the Reparation prayers.


“Children, I am in Gethsemane for you and all My people in the whole world.
I am in Gethsemane always because of the hour that is coming, the sorrowful hour, so fearful and terrifying. Children, how many will survive?
For the love I have for you and for all men, I am here in Gethsemane calling you to come and watch with Me.
Remain in Gethsemane with Me so that you will not give up when the hour comes.”

Jesus Christ, 15th March 1999, appealing to all His children to spend some time with him every Thursday between 11pm to 3am Friday morning in the ‘Gethsemane Hour’. 


“My sorrow is great, join Me in the battle against the wicked dragon, all who are sealed with the Blood of the Lamb.
Fight with Me against the heresies that destroy the foot of the Church.
Fear not their great number. Through the Blood of the Spotless Lamb, the faith of the true Church, of the true doctrine and of holiness will soon be restored.”

Our Blessed Mother, 7th May 1999


“Children many are calling the Blood but not adoring it…
All who adore My Precious Blood console My Father who mostly loves the Son. As you adore My Blood, the pains of My Sacred Heart get lesser.
The Sorrowful Heart of My Mother will also be consoled.”

Jesus Christ, 22nd July 1999


“Remain faithful to Jesus. When you meet what is able to let you fall, hold firm your faith.
This hour might be as one of the hour of disappointment and hour of dryness. Know that Jesus has opened the gate and no one has the power to close it, except Him.
If this hour comes, pray harder. Know also, the hour of joy is at hand.”

St. Michael, 28th July 1999


“The Holy Mass which is My Calvary way of your redemption is what the enemy is turning to a mere service…

My agony is great when I see many of My Priests who leave My Sacred Body and Blood to the non-consecrated priests to serve My people….
My agony is great when I see people receiving the Holy Communion in the hand…*

My agony is great when I see My Holy Temple being defiled: driving out the glory of God. Son, disastrous abomination has filled the Church, sitting up in the Holy Place…

My agony is great when I see the plan of the evil man destroying My Church with the ordination of women as priests.
My agony is great for seeing the enemy filling the hearts of My Priests with the desire from hell to marry…

My agony is great when I see a large number of My people who belong to the cult, son, even among those who consecrate themselves to Me…

My agony is great when I see the millions of souls who depart daily and nearly all go to Hell because of sins of the flesh.
My son, I suffer more greatly for the flow of blood of unborn babies that increases everyday. Their blood disturbs heaven more than the blood of Abel.”

Jesus Christ, 12th November 1999, in a lengthy appeal expiating on the sins that he is agonizing over in our times

*Concerning the issue of Communion in the hand, Pope John Paul II states:
“How eloquently the rite of anointing of the Priests’ hands in our Latin ordination tells a special grace and power of the Holy Spirit is necessary precisely for Priest’s hands!
To touch the sacred species and to distribute them with their own hands is a privilege of the ordained.”
(Domincae Canae, February 24, 1980)
“It is not permitted that the faithful should themselves pick up the consecrated bread and the sacred chalice, still less that they should hand them from one to another.”
(Inaestambile Donum, Holy Thursday, 3rd April 1980)
“Children, you must obey the Church not the evil one. Anyone who comes to destroy the Church is against the Church. The Church is My Body.
I plead with you not to quarrel with My clergies. Rather, pray for them.
I am the one who chose them and put them in their positions.”
Jesus Christ, 5th January 2000


“My Mother has come many times to you to warn you about the hour. She saw the coming destructions that are coming upon you. She wept for you. She wept bloody tears for you; yet you cannot understand the hour.

 I in turn, sweated blood in great agony for you. I also wept a stream of tears and blood for love of you. Still you cannot understand the times.”
Jesus Christ, 7th April 2000
“Suffering under obedience gains much grace. Those who understand among them will enjoy their suffering and their persecution. Because in suffering of the Holy Cross is true happiness. If they understand and pray for more suffering and persecution, they will hasten the Glorious Reign. 

As their suffering increases, the hour of peace approaches.”
St. Francis of Assisi in conversation with other saints, 15th July 2000

“Your name is written in the Book of Life. I will remove millions of years from your Purgatory days in any truth that comes out of your mouth. In the same way, millions of years are added to your Purgatory days for every lie that comes out of your mouth. Children, I appeal to you: receive from me the Royal Cross of Truth.”
Jesus Christ, 24th July 2000

“Even if the days fall in the hour of the great confusion, you are called to come. Even if the days fall in the hour of forsakenness, you are called to come.

 Even if it is your sorrowful days, I call you all to come. Children, pray that you will come. Get everything ready before the days come. The hour is already at hand.”

Jesus Christ, 7th August 2000
“At the loss of My dear ones, Joseph and my beloved Jesus, Satan tempted Me to despair.

I conquered not by human energy, or by violence, or by shouting but by the Fire of Purity and by the Power of Humility.
I am the Woman who crushed the head of Satan.”

Our Blessed Mother, 28th June 2001
“Children, I say, there is no valuable thing in that place of pleasure and enjoyment.
There is no valuable thing in that easy way of life. All the precious treasures; I mean, the treasures of Heaven, are hidden in the thorny way of life.
See, I chose the Calvary way, the way of sorrow, the bloody way, full of pains and agony, for your salvation.
There is no other way of salvation I found, than the painful way of salvation.
Children, do not reject the Calvary way. Though the way is painful, the end is full of happiness.”
Jesus Christ, 12th September 2001, during a five days reparation programme in the month of September.

Jesus said, “Barnabas, look!”
Barnabas relates, “Our Lord pointed to the east, I saw a huge beast with seven heads and ten horns coming out of the sea.
As I was watching, the beast turned and formed into a man, looking like a soldier. At this time, the vision passed.
I came back to myself.”
Vision received on the 15th September 2001, during a five days reparation programme in the month of September.
The gift of the seal has caused a lot of interest amongst the faithful and so needs exactitude in its explanation.
One reads in the Bible, when the Israelites of old left for the Promised Land, they were instructed by the Lord through Moses to splash the blood of lambs and kids on their doorposts.
This blood served as a ‘seal’ of protection from the Angel of death, sent to chastise the Egyptians
(Exodus 12: 21-28).
A seal in a spiritual sense is the earnest of the Holy Spirit on a person to withstand the attacks and trials brought about by Satan and his agents.
In the messages of the Precious Blood devotion, Jesus revealed to Barnabas of a precious gift that would be endowed on all devotees.
On 11th December 1998, Barnabas witnessed a vision of Jesus coming down with a chalice, with a tongue of fire at the top.
Divine rays flowed out of the chalice. Jesus said,
“My children, receive this; this is My Blood, the Blood of your redemption. Open your Heart for My Great Seal.”

Jesus explained that He wished to create a living tabernacle in our hearts to reside in it.
The offering of a heart to Him is of great importance, since in the end times, when many tabernacles shall be desecrated and closed, it will be our hearts that keep the presence of Jesus in ourselves.
The times ahead will also be of severe testing and suffering, as many have been prophesised to be spiritually blind and fall into the dragnet of the Antichrist.
In order that we remain steadfast in our faith, the gift of the seal is also a source of strength and grace to draw from. Jesus said to this effect on 9th July 1999:
“Have your seal now so that you will not be dry, when you enter the desert of dryness. At that time, all of you who are sealed will be strengthened by My Most Precious Blood. Their weak souls shall be courageous.”
Expiating on how a sealed soul is surrounded by heavenly hosts, Jesus said in the same message:
“Rejoice O Jerusalem, for in you the tabernacle of My love was built. The ocean of My Most Precious Blood will flow out and renew the world. You are surrounded by the Hosts of Heavenly Angels, who will guard you day and night. No one has the power to destroy you again.”

A devotee receives the seal by the arduous struggle to remain in a state of sanctifying grace, especially in the periods specified for the seal.
Jesus instructed that the seal be distributed every Friday of the year between the seal hours of 12 to 3 pm, especially in the following periods:

• Second Friday of December, continuing all Fridays of the month, till the first Friday of January.

• First Friday of April, continuing all Fridays, till the first Friday of May.

• Every Friday of the great month of July (The month normally devoted to the Precious Blood).

Before receiving the seal, a devotee is expected to try to perform five consecutive months of Gethsemane Hours, where all the prayers dictated by Jesus are said.
Then in a votive mass of the Precious Blood, the devotee is consecrated and through the blessings of the priest, a soul is sealed.
Any priest can perform the special consecration dictated to Barnabas and the seal is received anywhere in the world.
Our Lord instructed that the sealing mass be said on the third Friday of the month between the seal hours of 12 to 3 pm, if possible.

It is also important for a devotee to renew their seal time to time.
The renewal of the seal can be personally conducted every Friday in the seal hours.
What matters is that a person should be in a prayerful and pious mood whether it is in a church or at home.

However if one is at work, then Jesus simply asks that the person work in a spirit of mortification.
A grand prayer group renewal can be conducted at an appropriate period in the periods specified.
The formula for the consecration is found in the official prayer manual* of the Precious Blood

To avoid losing one’s seal, one must try with all effort to avoid all occasions of sin.
This is why it is important to renew one’s seal from time to time. One must also remain faithful to the devotion.    

*Prayer manual and chaplet is obtainable from Queenship Publishing:  or you nearest Catholic Bookstore


Our Lord was to also bestow on the Precious Blood devotion, a very powerful sacramental, which He promised would be a key weapon against all calamities.

On the 5th January 2000, Barnabas witnessed a vision Jesus walking alone in a desert. The visionary relates that as Jesus came closer, He held up a crucifix to Barnabas saying,

“Barnabas, take this.”

After handing the crucifix over, Jesus continued,

“This is your crucified Lord who loves you. He is the one whom you daily crucify.
Accept it from Me, carry it always. Show it the world; let all men have it also. Children this is what your sins do to Me.”

The visionary taking the crucifix closer, observed that the difference was that the wounds and scourges of our Lord’s body appeared well.
Blood oozed continuously from it.
On the crucifix was written the inscription:
‘I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ who loves you.’
Our Lord granted many promises to the crucifix, which included that in the days of the Antichrist, any house that possessed this sacramental would be protected from any harm and that much healing and deliverance would be performed through the crucifix.

The Agonizing Crucifix is received by a devotee at their consecration, along with their badge to remind them of their seal.
The Mystical Prayers of Our Lord Jesus Christ

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.  Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace; besides all these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one. 
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.
To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints ---"

The following are the Mystical Prayers that Our Lord Jesus gave to Barnabas Nwoye

(1) - They carry both the Imprimatur and NIHIL OBSTAT.  Note:
The highlighted phrases of each prayer were bold type in the original. 

We encourage you to share them with as many people as possible.

God bless you and your families,

Of Our Lord Jesus Christ
(These prayers, revealed by Our Lord as His petitions to His Heavenly Father during His Passion, were dictated to Barnabas for us to pray daily.)

Prayer to Vanquish Satan and his Agents
(5 July 1998)
("There is no need for you to fear those numerous populations of the enemy. Children, simply offer the Wounds, Pains and Blood of My left Hand for their downfall; you will see them disappear like ashes --- I assure you, many kingdoms of the enemy will disappear in the twinkle of an eye. Pray it and teach it to all men. My Precious Blood will save.")

All you great number of enemies of the Holy Death of my Master Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, the prince of darkness and iniquity, the father of all liars. I stand on the death of my Master Jesus Christ and offer His pains, Wounds, and the Precious Blood from His left Hand to the Eternal Father for your downfall, your destruction and your scourging. Amen. Precious Blood of my Master Jesus Christ - reign in me and in the lives of all men. Amen.

Prayer for the Protection and Unity of the Flock
(6 July 1998)
("My children, whenever you say this prayer you are making the hour of my Kingdom on earth come sooner. Through this prayer My Father will let it come down soon; the hour of the Second Pentecost, when My prayer will be fulfilled that all shall be one --- All who carry out this devotion will rejoice greatly when My Kingdom comes. I will protect them always.")

Eternal Father, I offer You all the Wounds, pains, and the Precious Blood from the Sacred Feet of Your Son, Our Lord and Master, for all Your children who are wondering like sheep without a shepherd in this terrifying forest.
Protect them against wild predators and give them peace that they might be one, and united in the same way as the nail held fast the Feet of my Master and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Precious of Jesus Christ - reign forever. Amen.

Prayer for Refuge in the Sacred Side of Jesus Christ
(7 July 1998)
("My children, these evil days will swallow many souls. That is why I teach this mysterious prayer to you in order that you all might be saved. My Sacred Side is open for all men.
Pray it and make it known to all men. All who teach this prayer to others will be protected. I love you all. Run for your lives ---")

O Loving Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Who protected the Israelites of old in His Holy Wings in the dryness of the cold and hot desert; I offer You the Holy death of my Master and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the protection of Your people who are scattered all over the world.
May the Blood and Water wash and strengthen, save and cleanse us that we might find home in the Sacred Side of Your Son which opens for all men. Amen.
Sacred Side of Jesus Christ - be our home for safety. Amen.

Prayer for Release from Ancestral Curses
(8 July 1998)
("My children, pray it and make it known to the whole world. All who are under curses and constantly say this prayer shall be free from their curses.
Any family that is suffering from the curse of sins made by their forefathers, and makes a 144 day novena through this prayer,  will be freed.
All who break a covenant and who are supposed to die shall be saved and also be released from their curse if they constantly say this prayer and repent.")

Eternal Father, You are the only Immortal God, God Who is love, merciful and kind. Look at Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and have mercy.
I offer You the pains of His scourging at the pillar, His Wounds and Blood for all Your people who are living under the weight of the curse due to the sins of their ancestors and their disobedience for breaking the covenant they made with You.
May You set us free through the scourging of Your Son, heal us through His Wounds and save us through His Precious Blood. Amen.
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - release us from curses. Holy Wounds of Jesus Christ - heal our wounds. By Your scourging - seal us. Amen.

Prayer for the Sustenance of the Faith
(9 July 1998)
("When I was about to leave My people on earth, My agony grew greater when I remembered their unfaithfulness.
I also remembered the period that is coming is terrible and fearful; that many will betray Me like Judas, while others will deny that they know me --- Children pray this prayer always for faith and make it known to the whole world before the perilous era comes in full force.
If you have little faith, even as small as the mustard seed, you will overcome this period.
This mysterious prayer is powerful. Teach it to the whole world. I love you all.")

Omnipotent and Omniscient God, God of Elijah and the prophets, look at the Sacred Head of Your only-begotten Son and have mercy.
Arise and save Your people. I offer You all the shame, the pains, the Wounds and the Precious Blood from the Sacred Head of Your Son for all Your children who are living in these perilous times.
Strengthen our faith through the mockery of Your Son Jesus Christ and save us through the Precious Blood from His Sacred Head.
May we through the sufferings of Your Son Jesus Christ learn to suffer in You and die in You. Amen.
Holy tortures of Jesus Christ - increase our faith. Amen.

Prayer for the Manifestation of the Divine Will
(10 July 1998)
("My Agony --- grew worse and worse when I entered Gethsemane. I looked at my people and saw that they were asleep while their enemy was fast approaching and gaining ground --- my Agonizing Heart broke out with these words
"Why are you sleeping, can't you watch with me even one hour?
Pray that you will not fall into temptation."
When I knelt down again in prayer the burden of my death weighed me down. "Father, take this cup away from me, but not my will, rather yours be done." --- Finally, I looked up and prayed to my Father thus --- make it known to the whole world for the reign of my Father on earth.")
Eternal Father, You are the Creator and Author of life. You love the world You made. That is why You sent Your only-begotten Son to come for its redemption, so that Your Kingdom will come. Look upon Your Son and rise up in Your throne.
Raise Your right Hand and save Your people.
I offer You all the sufferings, pains, and death of Your only-begotten Son Whom You love, for Your triumph and reign on earth.
May You, through the Precious Blood of Your Son, make a new covenant and bring all Your children back to Your Holy Will. Amen.
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - reign forever. Agonizing Jesus Christ - Thy Kingdom come. Amen.

Prayer for Endurance through the Coming Chastisement
(13 July 1998)
("My children pray that this period you are living in now will be shortened. Pray also that your faith will not fail. Be on your guard. Be alert and watch always --- How many of you will fight and drive back my adversary, conquer, and bring the captives home?
--- My children learn this prayer and pray it always especially during the hour of trials --- When my people rejected me and condemned me and said
"Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" I looked up to heaven and prayed to my Father and said ---")
Merciful and Loving Father, Your wish is that all men should be saved.
Kindly look on Your rejected and condemned Son Who suffered many tortures and will suffer many tortures through the sins of Your people.
Look and see what sin has done to your only-begotten Son.
I offer all people who are living in these ungodly and wicked days, all the tortures, pains, rejections, and shame of Your Son Jesus Christ to You, for faith to withstand trials and patience to withstand long tortures.
May they through the sufferings of Your only Son fight to the end. Amen. Our Lord’s torture - increase our faith. Precious Blood of Jesus - save us. Amen. 
Three day Novena in Honor of t he most holy trinity
July 13-15
Day 1 - 13 July, 1997, 9:00pm
Today Barnabas saw a vision of Our Lady coming down from the clouds.
She was adorned with a white veil and held a Crucifix in her left hand and
flowers in her right. Her Rosary was hanging from her side. As she
descended, she was singing. When she arrived, she said; “My children,
today I came to co-operate with you and show you all the loving kindness of
my Motherly grace. Be happy and rejoice with Heaven in this Adoration. I am
the Mother of Jesus Christ. I come to you, so that you will love my Son and
console Him in His Agony. The mystical wound in the Sacred Heart of my
Prayer for Fallen Sheep and Against a Fall in Faith
(22 July 1998)
("I envisaged constant abandonment of faith in my people and how they will constantly reject their God and crucify Me daily. The pains grew in intensity when I saw how hard it will be for them to return --- Many there were who would stop on the way because they thought the way was too hard and too long --- How large the number of My people who will lose hope and fall --- I say to you, My children, wake up and stand firm! During My fall, I remembered all these things and offered them to My Father through this prayer --- Through it, My Father will pour on you all the needed graces to endure until the end. All who pray it devotedly will possess the fullness of the Holy Spirit and learn to be obedient and humble.")
Eternal and Loving Father, look kindly on Your only-begotten Son. See the heavy cross they prepared for Your only Son and have mercy on Your people. I offer You all the pains, sufferings, and the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ, Emmanuel; for all Your people who have abandoned their faith and will abandon their faith in the mountainous hills and deep valleys of this world. May they through the falling of Your Son under the Cross have strength to rise again and stand firm in the true faith. Through the ocean of His Precious Blood dumped under the Cross on the streets of Jerusalem strengthen all who are eager to do Your Will. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - strengthen our weakened souls. Amen.
Prayer for the Reign of Glory on Earth
(27 July 1998)
("The manifestation of the Red Dragon and the Antichrist in this last hour of this age pierced My Heart greatly during My ministry on earth and even more when I was about to breathe My last on the cross. As I hung on the cross, I envisaged the proud Dragon. It boasted to reign on earth forever --- I silently offered My Father this prayer for the downfall of the enemy of the cross --- My children, through this prayer the Antichrist and the Red Dragon and his agents will have a short hour of reign on earth. The more you pray, the shorter the hour of their reign on earth.") 
O Loving and Merciful Father, all knowing and all powerful, the Alpha and the Omega, the Eternal Father Who created all things, that You should forsake Your children, Your nature forbids. Look kindly on Your begotten Son Jesus Christ Who came to save men and bring Your Kingdom down on earth. We offer You all the agonies, tortures, pains, and the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ for the defeat of all the enemies of the Holy Cross of Salvation, the Antichrist and the Red Dragon who are fighting against the truth now and in the end of the age. May they, through the Precious Blood of our Redeemer and His last breath on earth, disappear like foam exposed under the sun, so that Your Kingdom may quickly come on earth. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - Thy Kingdom come. Amen.
Prayer Against the Sins of the Flesh
(28 July 1998)
("Do you know that I was naked in the sight of all men so that you shall defeat and kill the desires of the flesh which lead to this sin of fornication and adultery? Children, my adversary used this sin to claim all men to himself --- Any sinner who constantly prays this prayer will gain true repentance --- The more you pray it the more many will return to me and leave fornication and adultery. Many people will be lost due to the sins of the flesh. Work hard to save souls ---")
Holy and Merciful Father, Your only-begotten Son is standing naked in the sight of all men, so that Your people will know and fear Your Holy Law. Accept my humble prayer for all Your people who are living under iniquity, fornication and adultery, that through all the shame and disgrace of Your only-begotten Son, You will touch their lives for repentance and save them. May they, through the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ, which I plead to fall on their hearts, gain repentance and be saved and through His shame make them bold for repentance. Amen.
Prayer for the Baptism of Aborted Babies
(29 July 1998)
("Today the blood of innocent children has filled Heaven. Their number is too great, too great;  the wrath of the Eternal Father is about to fall on mankind -- Their blood disturbs My Agonizing Heart and increases My agony --- Through this prayer, large numbers of innocent unborn babies will be saved; pray it daily and make it known to the world. Anyone who teaches it will not be lost. Innocent souls in Heaven will not let them become lost. I, with My Love and Mercy, will protect them from falling into mortal sin.")
Heavenly Father, Your love is eternal. In Your ocean of love, You saved the world through Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Now look at Your only Son on the Cross Who is constantly bleeding for love of His people, and forgive Your world. Purify and baptize aborted children with the Precious Blood and Water from the Sacred Side of Your Son, Who hung dead on the Cross for their salvation, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. May they, through the Holy of Jesus Christ gain everlasting life, through His Wounds be healed, and through His Precious Blood be freed. There to rejoice with the Saints in Heaven. Amen.
Reparation Prayer for Sins Committed
Against the Precious Blood
(8 February 1997)
("My children, let me explain to you how to pray and what heaven wants from you. My Son listens to you always. He wants to hear from you always. Oh my loving children, pray this prayer always --- at least 500 times a day." -- Our Blessed Mother):
Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world.
      Rev. Fr. Stephen Obiukwu
            Censor Deputatus
            Chairman, Doctrine and Faith Committee
            Archdiocese of Onitsha, Anambra State  430001
            1st July, 1999.
            Ayo-Maria Atoyebi, O.P.
            Bishop of Ilorin Diocese
            Ilorin, Kwara State  240001  NIGERIA
            17th June, 2001.
(1)    The mystical occurrences of Barnabas Nwoye have yet-to-be-approved by the Church.
Following the numerous requests and quiries about the Precious Blood devotion and the Seal of the Living God,  USA representatives for the devotion have been established :
Mr. Stephen Banaszak (contact for Nevada and Wisconsin)
5606 South Hill Dr.
Madison, Wisconsin 53705
Tel: 608-231-2915
Fax: 608-238-6767
Mrs. Debra Landry (contact for Virginia)
2208 Ardmore Ave.
Virginia  23324 -1912
We also have other representatives around the world:
Precious Blood Devotion
Padre Pio Bookshop (Kathy Kelly, National Convener)
264 Vauxhall Bridge Road
Telephone No. 02078345363
Cecilia Hon
9, Greenmead Ave.
Hillcrest Park
Singapore 289402
Tel: (065) 64664365
Mrs. Eileen Raman
3 Norfolk Crescent
Coffs Harbour 2450
For more information on the devotion to the Precious Blood, please contact:
Headquarters:                 Apostolate of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
                                    Land of Adoration (Rock of Gethsemane)
                                    Olo, Ezeagu Local Government Area
                                    Enugu, Enugu State
                                    Postal Address:
                                           P.O. Box 121, Iwollo,
                                    Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria.
                                    Tel:(234) 08033792866


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