Greatest Prayer to Mother of Health Vailankanni

Vailankanni Mother Of Good Health Nine Days Novena

Scared Heart of Jesus Prayers

Mother of Health Vailankanni 

Posted byajayjavalkarLeave a commenton Mother of Health Vailankanni 


O Mary! Our Mother of Health, and our Heavenly Queen, seated on your Holy throne of mercy and compassion in your shrine at Vailankanni,


we praise and honour you our refuge and our relief. Numberless are the sick, who through you, have recovered health.

Relying on your Power and goodness we fly to you and implore you to heal our infirmities and to obtain for us perfect health of body and soul, that we may better be able to serve you and your Divine Son.

At all the times, you have been the help and consolation of the infirm. You obtain for them health when it is the conducive to their death. Help us then,

O most amiable Mother and obtain the cure from all our sufferings, or patience to endure them in the spirit of resignation agreeable to God‘s Holy Will, so that all our trials and suffering may help to purify our souls and help us to detach ourselves from all earthly ties.


This Novena prayer will be helpful to those helpless people when everything fails, and who wants speedy and visible answers to their agony.



O most Holy Virgin! You were chosen by the Most Adorable Trinity from all eternity to be most pure Mother of Jesus.

Permit me your humble and devoted client, to remind you of the joy you received at the instance of the most sacred incarnation of our Divine Lord, and during the nine months you carried Him in your chaste womb.

I wish most sincerely that I could renew, or even increase that joy by the fervour of my prayers.

O tender Mother of the afflicted! Grant me under my present necessities that special protection you have promised to those who devoutly commemorate this ineffable joy.

Relying on the infinite mercies of your Divine Son, trusting that those who ask should receive and penetrated with confidence in your powerful prayers, I most humbly entreat you to intercede for me, I beg you to obtain for me the favours which I petition for in this novena, if it be the Holy will of God to grant them; and if not, to ask for me whatever graces. I most stand in need of.

(Here specify your requests)

I desire by this novena which I now offer in your honour, the lively confidence I have in your intercession Accept it I beseech you, in honour of that supernatural Love and Joy, with which your Immaculate Heart replenished during the abode of your Divine Son in your womb, in veneration of which, I offer you the sentiments of my heart.

(Repeat the Hail Mary nine times)

O Mother of God, accept these salutations in union with the respect and veneration with which he Angel Gabriel first hailed you “Full of Grace”, I wish mot sincerely that they may become so many gems in the crown of your Heavenly glory, which will increase in brightness to the end of the world.

I beseech you, O Comfortress of the afflicted, by the joy you received, when the Word was made Flesh, to obtain for me the Favours and Graces, which I have now implored through your Powerful intercession.

For this end I offer you all the good works, which have ever been performed in your honour, I most humbly entreat you, for the love of the amiable heart of Jesus, with which yours was ever so inflamed, to hear my humble prayers and obtain my requests.


Hail, Holy Temple of God and seat of wisdom. The Ark of the Covenant was made of cedar and covered with gold. God has adorned you with all graces and immortality.

Virgin Mother conceived without original sin, pray for us your poor children that we may also assume our glorious body at the time of our resurrection.

Make eternal light enlighten our darkened ways, so that we may wake up and reach safely our destination. We are your children, entrusted to your Motherly care by your Divine Son, while He was on the Cross.

Our Dearest Mother protect us, obtain for us all that we need for our soul, and preserve us all in good health.

Amen. •


Lord, have mercy on us, – Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us, – Christ, have mercy on us

Lord, have mercy on us,- Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, hear us, – Christ, graciously hear us,

God the Father of Heaven,- Have mercy on us,

God the Son, Redeemer of the world have, -Have mercy on us,

God the Holy Spirit, – Have mercy on us,

Holy Trinity, One God, – Have mercy on us,

Holy Mary, Mother of Health, #Pray for us,

Our Lady of Health, predestined by God even before the creation of the world, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, made known to the Angels as soon as they were created, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, revealed to Adam in the Garden of Eden, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the morning star foretold by the prophets, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the cloud that brings rain to the world, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the vessel of Goodness, # Pray for us

Our lady of Health, called holy before your birth by the Patriarchs, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, conceived without Original sin, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who crushed the head of satan, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, born of the highest family among the descendants of the sixteen kings that ruled Israel, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the child of the holy Joachim and Anne, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the fruit of their prayers and good deeds, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, adorned with more brightness than all the Angels and the Saints,# Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who came into world with the greatest piety, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the torch of divine grace,# Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who has been favored with divine consolation in addition to divine grace,

# Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, more righteous than all the saints, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who at birth was gifted with a heavenly light, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, whose birth brought joy to those in heaven, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, offered up to God soon after birth, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who received sweet name, Mary, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, presented in the temple at the age of three years, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who walked foremost in the virginity, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who was model to all while in the Temple, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who relieves the sufferings of the sick, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the unfailing help of those that trust in you, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the Heavenly crown of all the Saints, # Pray for us

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord!

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Graciously hear us,

O Lord! Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us!

We fly to your patronage, O Holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us from all dangers,

O ever Glorious and Blessed Virgin,


V. Pray for us, O Mary, Conceived without original sin.

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let Us Pray

O God, who in your unspeakable providence chose the Blessed Virgin Mary to be your own most Holy Mother, mercifully grant her prayers on our behalf, so that we may enjoy the happiness of Heaven for all eternity….Amen…..


1.The First Day

0 Immaculate Virgin! God’s sublime creation! The Almighty has done great things in you.

As He gathered all waters in the sea at the time of creation, He has enriched you with His richness of grace and beauty.

0 renowned Fame of the human race! Supreme Beauty of the earth! Holy Temple of God! Garden of the Blessed Trinity we praise you.

We pray to you. Hear Mother of Health, to intercede for the church, for the Holy Father and all men of good will.

Protect all your children and obtain for them health of soul and body. Holy Mother, save the youth from the danger of falling into the darkness of sin and guide them along the path of purity.

Preserve virgins in their chastity; protect the bond of love in every family.

Indeed, you are the model of parents; protector of widows, shelter of the broken – hearted, treasure for the needy and health of the sick.

We beg you to obtain for us the grace and love of God so that we may remain faithful children of God.

Say the Litany


2.The Second Day

Our Dear Mother, you are the splendor of the race of David, the gem among Jewish women.

We admire your beauty. You were born Immaculate to destroy the kingdom of Satan. You brought forth Christ, the Divine Light to remove the darkness of sin from the world.

0 Virgin undefiled, and Mother most amiable, we have recourse to you with full confidence.

Our hearts are delighted as we utter your sweet name Mary our Mother; grant us health of mind and body and lead us in the path of Light and Holiness. Amen.

Say the Litany


3.The Third Day

Hail Mother of our love! You are our model of holy life. Renouncing all earthly affection, you consecrated yourself to God and spent your days in prayer in His Temple.

But we who have been consecrated through baptism have not been faithful to our baptismal promise.

Often we have failed and became unfaithful children. We have sought after the worldly amusements: We have offended our Divine Redeemer by our sins.

Immaculate Mother who brought the Divine Mercy to us sinners, we regret for all our sins and beg through you for God’s mercy and pardon.

Stretch out your loving arms towards us, that we may drink the living water of Christ within your embrace. Amen.

Say the Litany


4.The Fourth Day

0 Mother of Health, we are proud of you, being the Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

We praise you in great joy of our heart.

We meditate with devotion on the glad tidings, the Angel Gabriel brought to you. Hail Mary, full of Grace! You have been raised to the dignity of the Mother of God by your submission.

The God of grace assumed our human nature and lived in your blessed womb. You are blessed among women.

We pray to you that we may bear in us our loving God and be filled with His grace.

Help us that we may be humble and chaste to resemble you, and be enriched with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

We ardently desire to be united with our God through the fruitful reception of the Sacraments.

0 Our Heavenly Mother, we call you blessed and entreat you to bless us all with your loving arms, which embraced our Divine Master. Amen.

Say the Litany


5.The Fifth Day

0 spotless Virgin Mother of Health our heavenly Benefactress, hail! Elizabeth received many favours for herself and for her family during your stay at her home.

Choosing Vailankanni as the place of your throne, you bless and obtain numerous favours for all those who seek your help; the blind obtain their sight; the dumb speak; the lame walk; the sick with no other hope of cure, are cured by you.

Merciful Mother, we thank you for your favours shown to our brethren in need, and through you we adore and glorify your Almighty Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,

We pray to intercede for us in all our needs as your motherly heart knows them. Obtain God’s Mercy for those who offended Him, and convert such hardened sinners to become His true friends. Amen.

Say the Litany


6.The Sixth Day

O Immaculate Mother, who can ever describe your renowned fame? The God of heaven came to this earth through you.

Bearing Jesus in you, you gave Him your whole self to form His human body.

Virgin Mother of God, we praise you and pay our homage to you. You, who reside in Heaven with your Divine Son, are our sweetness; you, who radiate the light of the Eternal Light, are our guide; we pray you to teach us to love your Divine Son more and more.

We acknowledge Him to be our king, and you to be our Queen, He is our Mediator between the Heavenly Father and human race; you are the Mediatrix between our Lord and us, poor sinners.

Jesus is the Way and you are its Entrance. 0 Fair Flower of the race of David, through you our Creator became our Redeemer; the God of all present was carried in your blessed womb;

The God who feeds all, was fed by you, Most Noble Mother, all generations call you blessed.

We pray you to show your motherly love towards us, your poor children, and to lead us to Eternal Salvation. Amen

Say the Litany


7.The Seventh Day

Our merciful Mother of Dolours, you suffered with your Divine Son for our sake.

We grieve for all our sins and offer our sufferings in union with you, so that we may obtain God’s mercy.

We pray you to remove from our hearts all sinful affections and inclinations, and to inflame within our souls the ever glowing love for God.

Our loving Mother most pure! defend us from all dangers both of soul and body. Like the bird that escapes in the air at the sigh of a hunter, and like the deer that hides in its shelter at the sight of a tiger, we have our recourse to your most immaculate heart, where we are sure to be safe.

Holy Mother, lead us all safe till we reach our eternal life, where we will praise God in union with you for ever and ever. Say the Litany


8.The Eighth Day

Hail, Holy Temple of God and seat of wisdom.

The Ark of the Covenant was made of cedar and covered with gold.

God has adorned you with all graces and immortality.

Virgin Mother conceived without original sin, pray for us your poor children that we may also assume our glorious body at the time of our resurrection.

Make eternal light enlighten our darkened ways, so that we may wake up and reach safely our destination. We are your children, entrusted to your motherly care by your Divine Son, while He was on the Cross.

Our dearest Mother protect us, obtain for us all that we need for our soul, and preserve us all in good health. – Amen. Say the Litany


9.The Ninth Day

Our mother of Health Vailankanni, we proclaim your glory and call the whole creation with all the creatures to join in our song of rejoicing.

All God’s creatures and creation bless and praise our Mother of Health, our Heavenly Queen.

Angels of God bless and praise our Lady of Health, the Queen of all Angels. All that are above praise the Queen of all things.

All saints in Heaven bless and praise our Lady of Health. Sun and moon, praise our Heavenly Queen; stars that shine above, praise our Mother of Health; rain and snow praise our Heavenly Queen; heat and cold, praise our Lady of Health; mountains and valleys, praise our Heavenly Queen; light and darkness praise our Mother of Health; clouds and lighting praise our Heavenly Queen.

All plants and trees that grow on earth praise our Mother of Health. Storms, springs and rivers praise our Heavenly Queen; sea and all that live therein praise our Mother of Health. Birds and all animals on the earth praise our Heavenly Queen. Accept our praises and those of the whole creation;

We pray to you our Mother of Health, to bless us all with health of soul and body.

Obtain all graces we need to be holy and make us pleasing children in the presence of God.

May God’s reign come on earth and may His Holy name be praised by all men through you, Holy Mother, Amen.




Verily, it is becoming to bless you, the mother of God, the ever blessed and all-blameless, more honorable than the Cherubim , and incomparably more than the Seraphim; you who did bear the purity with God the Word, verily the Mother of God we magnify.

In you, full of grace, all creation rejoices the host of angels, and the race of man hallowed temple and spiritual paradise glory of virgins of whom God took the flesh; and our God, who was before the world, became a child.

For he made your womb His throne and your bosom broader than the Heavens. In you, O full of grace, all creation rejoices; glory unto you.

{The divine liturgy of St. James}


2 DAY.

Holy Mother of God, ever Virgin blessed glorious generous inviolate and without stain chaste Mary immaculate chosen and loved of God with singular holiness endowed and worthy if all praise who intervened in the whole world danger

Hear O hear is holy Mary to help us. For we are confident and know for certain that you can obtain by prayers all you will from your son Our Lord Jesus Christ Almighty God and King of ages who lives ain the Father and the Holy spirit for ever and ever




Design that I too your humble servant praise you O Sacred Virgin and sweet devotion say: Hail glorious and elect vessel of God.

Hail amongst women Virgin most blessed

Hail most brightly shining star from whom Christ came forth hail, you who wounderously gave birth to, the King of universe

Hail Queen and mistress of all the most sublime

Hail you canticle of cherubim and seraphim and hymnody of angels

Hail, peace joy consolation and salvation of the world

Hail praise of the patriarchs and glory of the prophets Hail beauty of martyrs and crown of saint

Hail glory and praise of the pious. Hail you who did bear Christ the Giver of life. Amen {St.Ephrem}



My most holy Lady Mother of God and full of grace pf our common nature; dispenser of all good things; after the Trinity mistress of all;

after the Mediatrix; more glorious and sublime than the Cherubim and Seraphim; unsearchable abyss of God’s goodness; protection of the whole universe;

bride of the whole world, leading us to the heights of heaven, key introducing us to heaven;

O our patroness and Mediatrix behold my confidence and my divinely-inspired desire { St.Ephrem}





O Jesus son of God and thou, O Mother Mary you desire that you love should be loved by us.

Therefore, O good son, I beg you by the love you bear your Mother and as you wish her to be loved, to grand me that I may truly love her.

O good Mother, I beg you by the love you bear your son s you wish him to be loved to pray for me that I may truly love him.

Since then, this is in your power shall all my sins prevent it being done?

Oh Jesus lover of men you are were able to love criminals even so as to die for them; can you then refuse me who ask only the love of and your Mother?

And you too Mary Mother of Him, who love us, who did bear Him in your womb and didst feed at thy breast art thou not able or not willing to obtain for one who asks it, love of the son and of thyself ? May my heart love you as should and may whole substance praise you eternity. AMEN {St. Anselm}



O Immaculate and wholly / pure Virgin Mary Mother of God queen of the world hope of those who are in despair you are the joy of the saints you are the peace maker between sinners and God;

you are the advocate of the abandoned the secure heaven of those who are in the sea of the world you are the ransom of slaves the comfortress of the afflicted the salvation of the universe.

O great queen we take refuge in your protection we have no confidence but in you, O most faithful virgin after god you are the all my hope we bear the name of your servants; allow not the enemy to drag us to hell.

I salute you, O great Mediatrix of peace between men and God mother of Jesus our Lord who is the love of all men and God to whom be honour and benediction with the Father and the Holy Spirit Amen …{St.Ephrem}






Hail Mary hope of those who are in despair help of the destitute Hail you whom the son so greatly honours whatever you ask you at once obtain; whatever you wish is at once done.

To you are the treasure of the Kingdom of heaven entrusted Grant

O lady that amid the storm of this life I may always remember you. To your charitable mercy I commend my soul and body.

O my sweet Protectress direct and protect me in every hour in every moment of my life. Amen Hail most benign mother of mercy! Hail our comfortress Mary, the desire of our hearts! Who is there that loves you not? You are the light in doubts our comfort in sorrow our relief in distress our refuge in dangers and temptations.

You, after the only begotten son are our salvation; blessed are those who love your servant a miserable sinner and dispel the darkness of my vices by the rays of your sanctity that I may please you.
{ Louis Blosius }



TO OUR MOTHER Prayers to our Lady of Grace DAY 8

Mother mother of divine grace whom God has appointed as dispenser of his benefits obtain for us and for all those whom we are praying for, your choicest graces to the just obtain perseverance to sinner repentance and pardon to the sorrowful courage and confidence to disturbed families peace and concord to the infirm cure and health to soul in purgatory solace and deliverance in fine to each one of us that particularly graces we are now especially praying for, from your goodness and Power.

Lord Jesus our Mediator with the Father who have willed your mother the Blessed Virgin Mary to be our Mother also and Mediatrix with you grant us the favours and grace, we are now asking through her intercession.

O Mother of grace to our teacher and teach the science of saints true humility self-denial purity silence and suffering confidence simplicity and above all love and zeal. Teach us especially to love and die in one uninterrupted act of pure and perfect love of God and to be victim of his merciful love.

Teach us to grieve for our sins to be perfectly contrite in heart to patiently bear our failing weakness pain and sorrows.

Teach us also to love you very much after God and one day to be your beloved children in our eternal home. Amen…




O most holy and blessed Lady you are in the highest place of Gods happy heaven have pity on us who are still in the desert of misery. You are in the abundance of delight we are in the abyss of desolation.

Give us, then strength to bear well all our trials and may be ever be supported by divine son the one object of our hope, the one reward of our labours the one remedy for all our ills.

Sweet Virgin Mary mother of God I salute you and choose you are my most dear mother and I beg you to receive me as your servant and child.

I beg you then, my sweet and gracious mother to remember that I am your child that you are very powerful and that I am your help and protection.

Most holy Virgin mother mine give me a share in all your riches and virtues especially in your humility your spotless purity your fervent charity but grant me especially

{ here mention the spiritual and temporal benefits you need most of the moment }

Say not O gracious Virgin that you are not able for the blessed son has given you all power in heaven and on earth neither say that you ought not grant it for you are common mother especially.

Since then O sweet Virgin you are my mother and very powerful what excuse can you make if you do not come to my assistance?

You see my dear mother that you are obliged to grant me what I ask and to yield to my sighs and groans.

May you then, be blessed and praised and by your intercession bestow on me all the gifts and graces which are pleasing to the Most Holy Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit the object of my Love..Amen…



Mother of God remember me.

O Virgin and Mother of grant that I may always remember you,

Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God pray to Jesus for me.


O Lady, grant that Jesus may never cast me off.

O Mary may my heart never to cease to love you and my tongue never cease to praise you.


O Lady, the love which bear to Jesus, help me to Love Him.

O Mary, be graciously pleased to make me thy servant.


O Mary, I give myself to you without reserve do accept and preserve me.

O Mary, abandon me not until death. Hail Mary, my advocate, pray for me. In You, from my whole Heart I have placed my Hope.

It is not possible,


O Lady, that you should abandon him who has placed in you.

You have only to will our salvation and then it is not possible that we should not obtain it.


Hail, daughter of God, the Father;
Hail, Mother of God, the Son;

Hail Spouse of God. Holy Spirit;
Hail Temple of the Holy Trinity.
Holy Mary, succour the miserable aid the pusillanimous, strengthen the weak, pray for the people, intercede for the clergy and for virgins consecrated to God;

Let all celebrate your holy and great name, feel your great help and grace. Show yourself a Mother to us.


O thou most unique Virgin, humblest of daughters of Adam, make us humble.

Posted byajayjavalkarPosted inMother of Health Vailankanni

Published by ajayjavalkar 

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Published by ajayjavalkar

Prayer Reach Heaven!!!! 

6 thoughts on “Vailankanni Mother Of Good Health Nine Days Novena”

  1. Beautiful. Thank you on behalf of everyone for this most wonderful job. God Bless you n your fly, for putting up this Novena with Mama Mary’s pictures making it more lively n fervant,


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Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

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Vailankanni Mother Of Good Health Nine Days Novena
Posted byajayjavalkar26/06/2020Posted inPietaEditVailankanni Mother Of Good Health Nine Days Novena

Scared Heart of Jesus Prayers


Mother of Health Vailankanni 
Posted byajayjavalkar13/03/2017Leave a commenton Mother of Health Vailankanni 


O Mary! Our Mother of Health, and our Heavenly Queen, seated on your Holy throne of mercy and compassion in your shrine at Vailankanni,

we praise and honour you our refuge and our relief. Numberless are the sick, who through you, have recovered health.

Relying on your Power and goodness we fly to you and implore you to heal our infirmities and to obtain for us perfect health of body and soul, that we may better be able to serve you and your Divine Son.

At all the times, you have been the help and consolation of the infirm. You obtain for them health when it is the conducive to their death. Help us then,

O most amiable Mother and obtain the cure from all our sufferings, or patience to endure them in the spirit of resignation agreeable to God‘s Holy Will, so that all our trials and suffering may help to purify our souls and help us to detach ourselves from all earthly ties.


This Novena prayer will be helpful to those helpless people when everything fails, and who wants speedy and visible answers to their agony.


O most Holy Virgin! You were chosen by the Most Adorable Trinity from all eternity to be most pure Mother of Jesus.

Permit me your humble and devoted client, to remind you of the joy you received at the instance of the most sacred incarnation of our Divine Lord, and during the nine months you carried Him in your chaste womb.

I wish most sincerely that I could renew, or even increase that joy by the fervour of my prayers.

O tender Mother of the afflicted! Grant me under my present necessities that special protection you have promised to those who devoutly commemorate this ineffable joy.

Relying on the infinite mercies of your Divine Son, trusting that those who ask should receive and penetrated with confidence in your powerful prayers, I most humbly entreat you to intercede for me, I beg you to obtain for me the favours which I petition for in this novena, if it be the Holy will of God to grant them; and if not, to ask for me whatever graces. I most stand in need of.

(Here specify your requests)

I desire by this novena which I now offer in your honour, the lively confidence I have in your intercession Accept it I beseech you, in honour of that supernatural Love and Joy, with which your Immaculate Heart replenished during the abode of your Divine Son in your womb, in veneration of which, I offer you the sentiments of my heart.

(Repeat the Hail Mary nine times)

O Mother of God, accept these salutations in union with the respect and veneration with which he Angel Gabriel first hailed you “Full of Grace”, I wish mot sincerely that they may become so many gems in the crown of your Heavenly glory, which will increase in brightness to the end of the world.

I beseech you, O Comfortress of the afflicted, by the joy you received, when the Word was made Flesh, to obtain for me the Favours and Graces, which I have now implored through your Powerful intercession.

For this end I offer you all the good works, which have ever been performed in your honour, I most humbly entreat you, for the love of the amiable heart of Jesus, with which yours was ever so inflamed, to hear my humble prayers and obtain my requests.


Hail, Holy Temple of God and seat of wisdom. The Ark of the Covenant was made of cedar and covered with gold. God has adorned you with all graces and immortality.

Virgin Mother conceived without original sin, pray for us your poor children that we may also assume our glorious body at the time of our resurrection.

Make eternal light enlighten our darkened ways, so that we may wake up and reach safely our destination. We are your children, entrusted to your Motherly care by your Divine Son, while He was on the Cross.

Our Dearest Mother protect us, obtain for us all that we need for our soul, and preserve us all in good health.

Amen. •


Lord, have mercy on us, – Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us, – Christ, have mercy on us

Lord, have mercy on us,- Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, hear us, – Christ, graciously hear us,

God the Father of Heaven,- Have mercy on us,

God the Son, Redeemer of the world have, -Have mercy on us,

God the Holy Spirit, – Have mercy on us,

Holy Trinity, One God, – Have mercy on us,

Holy Mary, Mother of Health, #Pray for us,

Our Lady of Health, predestined by God even before the creation of the world, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, made known to the Angels as soon as they were created, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, revealed to Adam in the Garden of Eden, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the morning star foretold by the prophets, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the cloud that brings rain to the world, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the vessel of Goodness, # Pray for us

Our lady of Health, called holy before your birth by the Patriarchs, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, conceived without Original sin, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who crushed the head of satan, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, born of the highest family among the descendants of the sixteen kings that ruled Israel, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the child of the holy Joachim and Anne, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the fruit of their prayers and good deeds, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, adorned with more brightness than all the Angels and the Saints,# Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who came into world with the greatest piety, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the torch of divine grace,# Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who has been favored with divine consolation in addition to divine grace,

# Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, more righteous than all the saints, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who at birth was gifted with a heavenly light, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, whose birth brought joy to those in heaven, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, offered up to God soon after birth, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who received sweet name, Mary, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, presented in the temple at the age of three years, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who walked foremost in the virginity, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who was model to all while in the Temple, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, who relieves the sufferings of the sick, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the unfailing help of those that trust in you, # Pray for us

Our Lady of Health, the Heavenly crown of all the Saints, # Pray for us

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord!

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Graciously hear us,

O Lord! Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us!

We fly to your patronage, O Holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us from all dangers,

O ever Glorious and Blessed Virgin,


V. Pray for us, O Mary, Conceived without original sin.

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let Us Pray

O God, who in your unspeakable providence chose the Blessed Virgin Mary to be your own most Holy Mother, mercifully grant her prayers on our behalf, so that we may enjoy the happiness of Heaven for all eternity….Amen…..


1.The First Day

0 Immaculate Virgin! God’s sublime creation! The Almighty has done great things in you.

As He gathered all waters in the sea at the time of creation, He has enriched you with His richness of grace and beauty.

0 renowned Fame of the human race! Supreme Beauty of the earth! Holy Temple of God! Garden of the Blessed Trinity we praise you.

We pray to you. Hear Mother of Health, to intercede for the church, for the Holy Father and all men of good will.

Protect all your children and obtain for them health of soul and body. Holy Mother, save the youth from the danger of falling into the darkness of sin and guide them along the path of purity.

Preserve virgins in their chastity; protect the bond of love in every family.

Indeed, you are the model of parents; protector of widows, shelter of the broken – hearted, treasure for the needy and health of the sick.

We beg you to obtain for us the grace and love of God so that we may remain faithful children of God.

Say the Litany

2.The Second Day

Our Dear Mother, you are the splendor of the race of David, the gem among Jewish women.

We admire your beauty. You were born Immaculate to destroy the kingdom of Satan. You brought forth Christ, the Divine Light to remove the darkness of sin from the world.

0 Virgin undefiled, and Mother most amiable, we have recourse to you with full confidence.

Our hearts are delighted as we utter your sweet name Mary our Mother; grant us health of mind and body and lead us in the path of Light and Holiness. Amen.

Say the Litany

3.The Third Day

Hail Mother of our love! You are our model of holy life. Renouncing all earthly affection, you consecrated yourself to God and spent your days in prayer in His Temple.

But we who have been consecrated through baptism have not been faithful to our baptismal promise.

Often we have failed and became unfaithful children. We have sought after the worldly amusements: We have offended our Divine Redeemer by our sins.

Immaculate Mother who brought the Divine Mercy to us sinners, we regret for all our sins and beg through you for God’s mercy and pardon.

Stretch out your loving arms towards us, that we may drink the living water of Christ within your embrace. Amen.

Say the Litany

4.The Fourth Day

0 Mother of Health, we are proud of you, being the Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

We praise you in great joy of our heart.

We meditate with devotion on the glad tidings, the Angel Gabriel brought to you. Hail Mary, full of Grace! You have been raised to the dignity of the Mother of God by your submission.

The God of grace assumed our human nature and lived in your blessed womb. You are blessed among women.

We pray to you that we may bear in us our loving God and be filled with His grace.

Help us that we may be humble and chaste to resemble you, and be enriched with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

We ardently desire to be united with our God through the fruitful reception of the Sacraments.

0 Our Heavenly Mother, we call you blessed and entreat you to bless us all with your loving arms, which embraced our Divine Master. Amen.

Say the Litany

5.The Fifth Day

0 spotless Virgin Mother of Health our heavenly Benefactress, hail! Elizabeth received many favours for herself and for her family during your stay at her home.

Choosing Vailankanni as the place of your throne, you bless and obtain numerous favours for all those who seek your help; the blind obtain their sight; the dumb speak; the lame walk; the sick with no other hope of cure, are cured by you.

Merciful Mother, we thank you for your favours shown to our brethren in need, and through you we adore and glorify your Almighty Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,

We pray to intercede for us in all our needs as your motherly heart knows them. Obtain God’s Mercy for those who offended Him, and convert such hardened sinners to become His true friends. Amen.

Say the Litany

6.The Sixth Day

O Immaculate Mother, who can ever describe your renowned fame? The God of heaven came to this earth through you.

Bearing Jesus in you, you gave Him your whole self to form His human body.

Virgin Mother of God, we praise you and pay our homage to you. You, who reside in Heaven with your Divine Son, are our sweetness; you, who radiate the light of the Eternal Light, are our guide; we pray you to teach us to love your Divine Son more and more.

We acknowledge Him to be our king, and you to be our Queen, He is our Mediator between the Heavenly Father and human race; you are the Mediatrix between our Lord and us, poor sinners.

Jesus is the Way and you are its Entrance. 0 Fair Flower of the race of David, through you our Creator became our Redeemer; the God of all present was carried in your blessed womb;

The God who feeds all, was fed by you, Most Noble Mother, all generations call you blessed.

We pray you to show your motherly love towards us, your poor children, and to lead us to Eternal Salvation. Amen

Say the Litany

7.The Seventh Day

Our merciful Mother of Dolours, you suffered with your Divine Son for our sake.

We grieve for all our sins and offer our sufferings in union with you, so that we may obtain God’s mercy.

We pray you to remove from our hearts all sinful affections and inclinations, and to inflame within our souls the ever glowing love for God.

Our loving Mother most pure! defend us from all dangers both of soul and body. Like the bird that escapes in the air at the sigh of a hunter, and like the deer that hides in its shelter at the sight of a tiger, we have our recourse to your most immaculate heart, where we are sure to be safe.

Holy Mother, lead us all safe till we reach our eternal life, where we will praise God in union with you for ever and ever. Say the Litany

8.The Eighth Day

Hail, Holy Temple of God and seat of wisdom.

The Ark of the Covenant was made of cedar and covered with gold.

God has adorned you with all graces and immortality.

Virgin Mother conceived without original sin, pray for us your poor children that we may also assume our glorious body at the time of our resurrection.

Make eternal light enlighten our darkened ways, so that we may wake up and reach safely our destination. We are your children, entrusted to your motherly care by your Divine Son, while He was on the Cross.

Our dearest Mother protect us, obtain for us all that we need for our soul, and preserve us all in good health. – Amen. Say the Litany

9.The Ninth Day

Our mother of Health Vailankanni, we proclaim your glory and call the whole creation with all the creatures to join in our song of rejoicing.

All God’s creatures and creation bless and praise our Mother of Health, our Heavenly Queen.

Angels of God bless and praise our Lady of Health, the Queen of all Angels. All that are above praise the Queen of all things.

All saints in Heaven bless and praise our Lady of Health. Sun and moon, praise our Heavenly Queen; stars that shine above, praise our Mother of Health; rain and snow praise our Heavenly Queen; heat and cold, praise our Lady of Health; mountains and valleys, praise our Heavenly Queen; light and darkness praise our Mother of Health; clouds and lighting praise our Heavenly Queen.

All plants and trees that grow on earth praise our Mother of Health. Storms, springs and rivers praise our Heavenly Queen; sea and all that live therein praise our Mother of Health. Birds and all animals on the earth praise our Heavenly Queen. Accept our praises and those of the whole creation;

We pray to you our Mother of Health, to bless us all with health of soul and body.

Obtain all graces we need to be holy and make us pleasing children in the presence of God.

May God’s reign come on earth and may His Holy name be praised by all men through you, Holy Mother, Amen.



Verily, it is becoming to bless you, the mother of God, the ever blessed and all-blameless, more honorable than the Cherubim , and incomparably more than the Seraphim; you who did bear the purity with God the Word, verily the Mother of God we magnify.

In you, full of grace, all creation rejoices the host of angels, and the race of man hallowed temple and spiritual paradise glory of virgins of whom God took the flesh; and our God, who was before the world, became a child.

For he made your womb His throne and your bosom broader than the Heavens. In you, O full of grace, all creation rejoices; glory unto you.

{The divine liturgy of St. James}


2 DAY.

Holy Mother of God, ever Virgin blessed glorious generous inviolate and without stain chaste Mary immaculate chosen and loved of God with singular holiness endowed and worthy if all praise who intervened in the whole world danger

Hear O hear is holy Mary to help us. For we are confident and know for certain that you can obtain by prayers all you will from your son Our Lord Jesus Christ Almighty God and King of ages who lives ain the Father and the Holy spirit for ever and ever



Design that I too your humble servant praise you O Sacred Virgin and sweet devotion say: Hail glorious and elect vessel of God.

Hail amongst women Virgin most blessed

Hail most brightly shining star from whom Christ came forth hail, you who wounderously gave birth to, the King of universe

Hail Queen and mistress of all the most sublime

Hail you canticle of cherubim and seraphim and hymnody of angels

Hail, peace joy consolation and salvation of the world

Hail praise of the patriarchs and glory of the prophets Hail beauty of martyrs and crown of saint

Hail glory and praise of the pious. Hail you who did bear Christ the Giver of life. Amen {St.Ephrem}


My most holy Lady Mother of God and full of grace pf our common nature; dispenser of all good things; after the Trinity mistress of all;

after the Mediatrix; more glorious and sublime than the Cherubim and Seraphim; unsearchable abyss of God’s goodness; protection of the whole universe;

bride of the whole world, leading us to the heights of heaven, key introducing us to heaven;

O our patroness and Mediatrix behold my confidence and my divinely-inspired desire { St.Ephrem}



O Jesus son of God and thou, O Mother Mary you desire that you love should be loved by us.

Therefore, O good son, I beg you by the love you bear your Mother and as you wish her to be loved, to grand me that I may truly love her.

O good Mother, I beg you by the love you bear your son s you wish him to be loved to pray for me that I may truly love him.

Since then, this is in your power shall all my sins prevent it being done?

Oh Jesus lover of men you are were able to love criminals even so as to die for them; can you then refuse me who ask only the love of and your Mother?

And you too Mary Mother of Him, who love us, who did bear Him in your womb and didst feed at thy breast art thou not able or not willing to obtain for one who asks it, love of the son and of thyself ? May my heart love you as should and may whole substance praise you eternity. AMEN {St. Anselm}


O Immaculate and wholly / pure Virgin Mary Mother of God queen of the world hope of those who are in despair you are the joy of the saints you are the peace maker between sinners and God;

you are the advocate of the abandoned the secure heaven of those who are in the sea of the world you are the ransom of slaves the comfortress of the afflicted the salvation of the universe.

O great queen we take refuge in your protection we have no confidence but in you, O most faithful virgin after god you are the all my hope we bear the name of your servants; allow not the enemy to drag us to hell.

I salute you, O great Mediatrix of peace between men and God mother of Jesus our Lord who is the love of all men and God to whom be honour and benediction with the Father and the Holy Spirit Amen …{St.Ephrem}




Hail Mary hope of those who are in despair help of the destitute Hail you whom the son so greatly honours whatever you ask you at once obtain; whatever you wish is at once done.

To you are the treasure of the Kingdom of heaven entrusted Grant

O lady that amid the storm of this life I may always remember you. To your charitable mercy I commend my soul and body.

O my sweet Protectress direct and protect me in every hour in every moment of my life. Amen Hail most benign mother of mercy! Hail our comfortress Mary, the desire of our hearts! Who is there that loves you not? You are the light in doubts our comfort in sorrow our relief in distress our refuge in dangers and temptations.

You, after the only begotten son are our salvation; blessed are those who love your servant a miserable sinner and dispel the darkness of my vices by the rays of your sanctity that I may please you.
{ Louis Blosius }


TO OUR MOTHER Prayers to our Lady of Grace DAY 8

Mother mother of divine grace whom God has appointed as dispenser of his benefits obtain for us and for all those whom we are praying for, your choicest graces to the just obtain perseverance to sinner repentance and pardon to the sorrowful courage and confidence to disturbed families peace and concord to the infirm cure and health to soul in purgatory solace and deliverance in fine to each one of us that particularly graces we are now especially praying for, from your goodness and Power.

Lord Jesus our Mediator with the Father who have willed your mother the Blessed Virgin Mary to be our Mother also and Mediatrix with you grant us the favours and grace, we are now asking through her intercession.

O Mother of grace to our teacher and teach the science of saints true humility self-denial purity silence and suffering confidence simplicity and above all love and zeal. Teach us especially to love and die in one uninterrupted act of pure and perfect love of God and to be victim of his merciful love.

Teach us to grieve for our sins to be perfectly contrite in heart to patiently bear our failing weakness pain and sorrows.

Teach us also to love you very much after God and one day to be your beloved children in our eternal home. Amen…



O most holy and blessed Lady you are in the highest place of Gods happy heaven have pity on us who are still in the desert of misery. You are in the abundance of delight we are in the abyss of desolation.

Give us, then strength to bear well all our trials and may be ever be supported by divine son the one object of our hope, the one reward of our labours the one remedy for all our ills.

Sweet Virgin Mary mother of God I salute you and choose you are my most dear mother and I beg you to receive me as your servant and child.

I beg you then, my sweet and gracious mother to remember that I am your child that you are very powerful and that I am your help and protection.

Most holy Virgin mother mine give me a share in all your riches and virtues especially in your humility your spotless purity your fervent charity but grant me especially

{ here mention the spiritual and temporal benefits you need most of the moment }

Say not O gracious Virgin that you are not able for the blessed son has given you all power in heaven and on earth neither say that you ought not grant it for you are common mother especially.

Since then O sweet Virgin you are my mother and very powerful what excuse can you make if you do not come to my assistance?

You see my dear mother that you are obliged to grant me what I ask and to yield to my sighs and groans.

May you then, be blessed and praised and by your intercession bestow on me all the gifts and graces which are pleasing to the Most Holy Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit the object of my Love..Amen…


Mother of God remember me.

O Virgin and Mother of grant that I may always remember you,

Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God pray to Jesus for me.

O Lady, grant that Jesus may never cast me off.

O Mary may my heart never to cease to love you and my tongue never cease to praise you.

O Lady, the love which bear to Jesus, help me to Love Him.

O Mary, be graciously pleased to make me thy servant.

O Mary, I give myself to you without reserve do accept and preserve me.

O Mary, abandon me not until death. Hail Mary, my advocate, pray for me. In You, from my whole Heart I have placed my Hope.

It is not possible,

O Lady, that you should abandon him who has placed in you.

You have only to will our salvation and then it is not possible that we should not obtain it.

Hail, daughter of God, the Father;
Hail, Mother of God, the Son;

Hail Spouse of God. Holy Spirit;
Hail Temple of the Holy Trinity.
Holy Mary, succour the miserable aid the pusillanimous, strengthen the weak, pray for the people, intercede for the clergy and for virgins consecrated to God;

Let all celebrate your holy and great name, feel your great help and grace. Show yourself a Mother to us.

O thou most unique Virgin, humblest of daughters of Adam, make us humble.

Posted byajayjavalkar13/03/2017Posted inMother of Health Vailankanni

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Mother Vailankanni Of Good Health Nine Novena
In "Pieta"

Mother Vailankanni of Good Health Nine Days Novena
MOTHER OF HEALTH VAILANKANNIO Mary! Our Mother of Health, and our Heavenly Queen, seated on your Holy throne of mercy and compassion in your shrine at Vailankanni,imagewe praise and honour you our refuge and our relief. Numberless are the sick, who through you, have recovered health.Relying on your Power and…

In "Pieta"

Mother Of Health Powerful Grace Prayers Vailankanni
POWERFUL PRAYER TO VAILANKANNI Novena to Our Lady of Health Vailankanni nine day novena Pages Home vailankanniladyofhealth March 12, 2017 MOTHER OF HEALTH VAILANKANNI O Mary! Our Mother of Health, and our Heavenly Queen, seated on your Holy throne of mercy and compassion in your shrine at Vailankanni, we praise…

In "Pieta"

Posted byajayjavalkar26/06/2020Posted inPietaEditVailankanni Mother Of Good Health Nine Days Novena
Published by ajayjavalkar
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6 thoughts on “Vailankanni Mother Of Good Health Nine Days Novena”
denis amparo
28/06/2020 at 4:37 AM Edit
thank you very much for sending me the novena guide… g0dbless…


22/07/2020 at 10:46 PM Edit
Beautiful. Thank you on behalf of everyone for this most wonderful job. God Bless you n your fly, for putting up this Novena with Mama Mary’s pictures making it more lively n fervant,


Mathew samson
23/07/2020 at 2:35 AM Edit
O vailakanniMaatha save us from this virus,


15/11/2020 at 10:33 PM Edit

Sorry for belated message Mother Vailankanni is Blessing you Abundantly …..check above link start the prayers


15/11/2020 at 10:32 PM Edit
I am sorry for belated reply Mother Vailankanni is Blessing you Abundantly to you and your family…Prayers Reaches Heaven!

I am sending you a link very powerful.


15/11/2020 at 10:33 PM Edit


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